SAS Bulletin
Volume 19 Number 1/2 January /June 1996

Archaeometry Symposia

There are a LOT! of current and upcoming archaeometric symposia...many with information on the Worldwide Web:

Greek Society for Archaeometry, 3rd Symposium of Archaeometry, Athens from November 6-9, 1996:

Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology V, Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, December 2-6, 1996:

The Sixth Australasian Archaeometry Conference will be held in the Australian Museum, Sydney, February 10-13, 1997. For details contact the Conference Manager,

The Workshop in Archaeometryat the University of Buffalo will be held February 22-23, 1997. For details contact Phillip Mitchell,

A symposium on Geochemistry and Archaeology at the American Chemical Society Spring Symposium, San Francisco, April 13-17, 1997. For details contact Richard Evershed:

Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 25th Anniversary Conference, The University of Birmingham, April 10-13, 1997:

Archaeological Sciences '97 Durham, University of Durham, UK, Sept. 2-4, 1997:

Metals in Antiquity, Harvard University, Sept. 10-13, 1997. For details contact Syoung@FAS.Harvard.Edu

Second National Congress on Archaeometry, Zaragoza, Spain, Sept. 16-19, 1997. Abstracts deadline 30 Nov. 1996. For details contact

International Symposium on Archaeometry 1998, Budapest, Hungary from April 27 through May 1, 1998:

ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS AND POSTERS presented at the International Symposium on Archaeometry, May 20-24, 1996 in Urbana, Illinois are available at:"

ABSTRACTS are available for the just-completedWorkshop on "The Practical Impact of Science on Field Archaeology" October 28-29, 1996 in Israel:

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